Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Which multi vitamin is a good multi vitamin?

I believe that every single person in the world should take a good multi-vitamin. Especially considering the way most people eat these days. We just do not eat all the wholesome nutrient filled foods that we should on a daily basis. The reasons for this vary but whatever they may be you are the one that suffers for them one way or another. There are many types of multi vitamins on the market. So which ones are good and which ones are not good? Well to understand that you must look at the vitamins themselves and have a limited understanding of how they work in your body. For starters they have to have enough potency wise to supply your body with the right amount of each vitamin. They also have to be bio-available to your body through digestive processes. Most honest vitamin companies will have a USP disintegration code somewhere on the packaging. Once you have determined all of these factors then you have to look at the different kinds of vitamins and how they interact with your body. Fat soluble vitamins for example tend to stay in your body for longer periods of time. There fore such vitamins like E and D can become toxic if you consume too much over time. Water soluble vitamins are the exact opposite they are excreted and used by our bodies very quickly. There fore taking them multiple times a day is the most efficient way to keep your levels up. This is why I do not recommend a one a day philosophy for vitamins as this is not enough. Although it is better than nothing it is still not enough for our overtaxed and underpaid bodies. The best way to go is to take a two pill a day dose so you can divide your dose between breakfast and lunchtime meals. This divides the dose of fat soluble vitamins while keeping levels of water soluble vitamins like the B vitamins up. So take a two a day keep the doctor away philosophy because one a day is not enough.

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