The training news is here for the people. For all those people who would love to train but never get the right information. We here at training news will get the right and good non bias answers you need to achieve a strong mind, body and spirit, no matter what your training needs. We have 15 years of experience and counting. Book mark us for good everyday sound training and nutrition info. HELP KEEP THE TRAINING NEWS FREE BY CHECKING OUT OUR SPONSOR ADS. THANKS!
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
San Diego Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships
San Diego Natural Bodybuilding & Fitness Championships
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Madison High School
4833 Doliva Drive
San Diego, CA 92117
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
5 Years Drug Free
Pro Qualifier for Men and Women
Major TV and Magazine Coverage
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Registration & Testing: 10:30am
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices: Pre judging: $15
Main show: $25, $35
Vip package: $45 (prejudging and a main show ticket first eight rows)
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Spray Tanning
(952) 843-8950
For info Contact ABA/INBA Main Office (951) 734-3900
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
National Armed Forces Natural Bodybuilding Championships + Ms. Fitness Armed Forces
National Armed Forces Natural Bodybuilding Championships + Ms. Fitness Armed Forces
Open to all Military Personnel
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Madison High School
4833 Doliva Drive
San Diego, CA 92117
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
5 Years Drug Free
Pro Qualifier for Men and Women
Major TV and Magazine Coverage
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Registration and Testing: 10:30am
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $15
Main show: $25, $35
Vip package: $45 (prejudging and a main show ticket first eight rows)
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Spray Tanning
(952) 843-8950
For info Contact ABA/INBA Main Office (951) 734-3900
Monday, September 3, 2012
10 Restaurant Desserts Under 400 Calories | Yahoo! Health
I know a lot of people like eating desert. Who doesn't after a good meal. Well this article will show you some good alternatives that are under the 400 calorie mark. Check it out.
10 Restaurant Desserts Under 400 Calories | Yahoo! Health
Thursday, August 30, 2012
INBA Natural Universe !!!
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Illinois State Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships!!!
Illinois State Natural
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Bolingbrook High School
365 Raider Way
Bolingbrook , IL 60440
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
For Further
Information Contact
John Hansen
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Main show:
Cash ONLY at the Door! _________________________
Spray Tanning:
Whitnie Fender
(618) 780-9757
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Bolingbrook High School
365 Raider Way
Bolingbrook , IL 60440
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
For Further
Information Contact
John Hansen
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Main show:
Cash ONLY at the Door! _________________________
Spray Tanning:
Whitnie Fender
(618) 780-9757
Monday, April 9, 2012
The #1 Reason You Aren't Losing Weight | Yahoo! Health
This is a good article highlighting a lot of things people don't even think about most of the time. You are going through your daily grind and think you are making healthy good food choices but just check out some of these figures!!! They are pretty alarming for so called healthy food. Check out the article good info.
The #1 Reason You Aren't Losing Weight | Yahoo! Health
The #1 Reason You Aren't Losing Weight | Yahoo! Health
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Healthy Foods You Aren't Eating | Yahoo! Health
Here is some good information on some "food swaps" that can be made. What they are are healthy food choices to replace the less than healthy alternatives. Everyone should be eating as much of the whole natural food that you can get. Good organic fruits and vegetables are essential to good health and vitality. I believe this article will give you the information that you need to make some better choices and benefit from them. Check it out!!!
Healthy Foods You Aren't Eating | Yahoo! Health
Healthy Foods You Aren't Eating | Yahoo! Health
Monday, April 2, 2012
9 Spices With Super Healing Powers | Yahoo! Health
This is a good article outlining some really healthy spices that can help your body heal. People do not really know a lot about these things these days. Most people eat from some fast food place and don't even know how to cook anymore. There is a reason that these spices are used in cooking for so long and it is not just to flavor the food. Check it out.
9 Spices With Super Healing Powers | Yahoo! Health
9 Spices With Super Healing Powers | Yahoo! Health
Is sugar toxic???
There is a debate going on about weather sugar is toxic. Well this is the way that I see it. There are a lot of food products these days that have a lot of sugar in them. When I say a lot I mean WAY TO MUCH!!! You can simply look at the label and see how many grams of sugar there are in a given product you want to eat. I do not care weather it is fructose, sucrose or whatever ose it is sugar. Our bodies are not designed to process vast quantities of sugar like a humming bird. If you don't believe me eat something that contains a lot of sugar and then eat a piece of fruit. The fruit will taste bland or even bitter. Do you know why? It is because your sense of taste has been so over whelmed by all the sugar in the processed product you just consumed. Another problem with eating all this sugar is insulin. Not only can it cause you to become diabetic but it will also cause you to age rapidly. When your body released insulin in vast quantities it causes oxidation of your cells during the insulin/sugar uptake process. There are several studies that have shown this to happen. When your cells oxidize they are being damaged. Just cut an apple and watch it turn brown. That is oxidation in real time. So to answer the question is sugar toxic? I would say only in large quantities and over a long period of time. The sugar itself is not the toxin it is the way people over indulge and their excess that cause the bad side effects. Then again if you are forced to drink a bathtub of water I think it would probably kill you to.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Focus on positive for success !!
So many people these days are focused on the negative why not focus on the positive. I realize that there is a lot of nasty things around the world right now that are stressful but why focus on that. There was recently an article about the Mr. Universe that turned 100 years old. One of the main things he did was to focus on the positive in life. As we already know stress causes weight gain, depression and probably 10,000 more symptoms. So take some time out of each day and focus on the positive it will keep you going through life and also keep you motivated to achieve your goals.
Why everyone on earth should be juicing fruit and vegetables!!
I have been using my juicer on and off for about eight years now. I have however recently begun to use it a lot more due to the fact of the health benefits. When I first bought it I thought well this guy Jack is really healthy and in good shape compared to all of these other people who make it to his age. So naturally I thought I should give what he is doing a try. Now I am even more motivated because of all of the other information that has come froward in recent years. I have to say since using it on a regular basis my energy levels have gone up and I have seen an decrease in my recovery time from training. I have a couple of juice formulas on my page here check them out and happy juicing.
Friday, March 30, 2012
7 Foods that help you burn fat!!
Here is a new post about foods that will help you burn fat. As I have said in the past I will continue to bring you good useful advice to succeeding in staying healthy!! This article is good for helping you choose better sources of food to help you achieve your nutrition goals. Check it out:
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Want to look and feel good and healthy Stay Active!!!
There are a lot of people today that complain of several types of health problems. The problem is not with the people it is simply the fact that people are way less active than they should be and eat more processed nasty food. Instead of taking the elevator take the stairs. If you don't believe me go to a large store and see what happens when you go to park your car. There will be a lot of people circling around waiting for that space located right next to the isle that there product is in. If you really want to improve your quality of life start using your body the way it was intended to be used. If we were intended to have some sort of mechanical device to go everywhere we would be born with one huh? Here is a wild idea eat right if you have a sedentary job then work out. If you want information on work out and nutrition you have come to the right place. Have a blast and search my blog it is loaded with useful information. You can also enter your email for updates and new posts. Good luck and happy healthy future!!
World's Tallest Basketball Player Dunks With Worst Vertical Ever almost no jump!!!
This is an interesting video of this really tall guy dunking a basketball. He is so tall that he does not even have to jump. The person who rote the article says it is the worse vertical ever. I do not know if it is the worst vertical ever. The guy is so tall he does not even have to really jump to dunk. Don't be a hater just because he is probably two feet taller that you. This was crazy to see. Check it out.
World's Tallest Basketball Player Dunks With Worst Vertical Ever
World's Tallest Basketball Player Dunks With Worst Vertical Ever
Monday, March 26, 2012
Cat sized rats? How about cow sized humans? Time to hit the gym!!!
I was reading the news online today and I saw how much attention was being given to these giant rats in the keys. They are a exotic breed of rat that was released in the Florida keys. So we set a few traps and lest some dogs go on them and we will be fine. What are we going to do about all the cow sized humans that are around? Lets get real for just one minute here. Obesity is literally killing our country as I write this article. There are more and more fast food addicted obese people being born every minute. We are literally eating our self's to death as a nation. We already have problems taking care of the baby boomer generation. What are we going to do with this generation of obese lazy people? Do your self your country and the human race a favor(including yourself) and stay healthy. Lets be honest I do not expect my lack of prep and planning to be someones problem. It's my problem. So what is their excuse?
INBA South western USA's !!!!!!!
Southwestern USA Natural
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Concert Facilities at the Edgewater Hotel and Casino
Laughlin, NV
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Hotel Info: Edgewater/Colorado Belle Hotel Casino
Reference: AAU Powerlifting ONLY $39/NIGHT
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Concert Facilities at the Edgewater Hotel and Casino
Laughlin, NV
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Hotel Info: Edgewater/Colorado Belle Hotel Casino
Reference: AAU Powerlifting ONLY $39/NIGHT
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Ever wonder which machines to avoid in the gym? 10 Exercise Machines to Avoid
Ever wonder which machines you should spend less or nor time on at the gym? Well here are 10 you shouldn't waste your time on any more. I have always said avoiding pitfalls is a good way to keep yourself motivated by progress. The more progress you see the more motivated you will become. Check it out.
10 Exercise Machines to Avoid | Yahoo! Health
10 Exercise Machines to Avoid | Yahoo! Health
Natural Alternatives to the Top 5 Most Prescribed Drugs | Yahoo! Health
A lot of people use so many prescription drugs these days. You go to the doctor and what does he do? Here is your prescriptions usually comes out of his mouth or I am going to prescribe this or that. What they do not know or possibly do not want you to know is that a lot of these prescription drugs mimic things already found in nature. This article shows natural alternatives to the top five prescription drugs. Check it out and become knowledgeable.
Natural Alternatives to the Top 5 Most Prescribed Drugs | Yahoo! Health
Natural Alternatives to the Top 5 Most Prescribed Drugs | Yahoo! Health
Saturday, March 24, 2012
See what your eyes say about your health!!!
This is a interesting article that covers some of the health signs you can get from your eyes. You would be surprised they say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Well apparently they are the window to the health of your body to. Check it out for yourself some good info for everyone to know.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
14 Things You Might Not Know About Aspirin
Check this article about aspirin. There a lot of things flying around about aspirin these days this article has some good points in it that people usually don't consider. Check out these fourteen points and hopefully they will help you to.
14 Things You Might Not Know About Aspirin | Yahoo! Health
14 Things You Might Not Know About Aspirin | Yahoo! Health
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
100 Year old Mr. Universe!!!
This man in India has become 100yrs old. He looks like somebody from the united states that is in their 60's or 70's. Manohar Aich is his name and he credits his lifestyle of bodybuilding, eating healthy and focusing on happiness for his longevity. This guy is amazing. He was Mr. Universe in 1952 and says he loved bodybuilding and the respect he earned in the sport. I am thinking that this guy is probably also a natural athlete (No Steroids). If you don't think that diet and lifestyle matter in how long you live and the quality of your life. Just look at Manohar. You can see pictures of him attached to this yahoo article. http://gma.yahoo.com/blogs/abc-blogs/mr-universe-1952-turns-100-credits-healthy-lifestyle-140401391--abc-news.html I wonder how many prescriptions he has to take every day? Probably none Hmmm I wonder why? I wish him the best of luck and I hope people around the world will take notice of this man and his accomplishments.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Surprising Facts About Allergies.
This is an interesting article about allergy facts. There are some pretty interesting things your allergies say about your health. Check it out and see what I mean. I used to have allergies as a kid and I did not know half of this stuff. Your body is trying to tell you more than you think when you get those itchy, watery eyes.
Surprising Facts About Allergies | Yahoo! Health
Surprising Facts About Allergies | Yahoo! Health
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Three New Exercises That Flatten Your Belly!!!
This article below has some pretty good exercises for flattening those abs. Don't forget you also have to do cardio and keep the fat down. Exercises alone will not work by themselves. Anyway check it out it is a good article.
Three New Exercises That Flatten Your Belly
Three New Exercises That Flatten Your Belly
Friday, March 16, 2012
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Illinois State Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships!!
Illinois State Natural
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Bolingbrook High School
365 Raider Way
Bolingbrook , IL 60440
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
For Further
Information Contact
John Hansen
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Main show:
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Bodybuilding and Fitness Championships
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Bolingbrook High School
365 Raider Way
Bolingbrook , IL 60440
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
For Further
Information Contact
John Hansen
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Main show:
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
The holistic/ processed diet dilemma
We have a serious problem in most developed countries in our world. The problem is what I have come to call the holistic dilemma. Time and time again it has been shown that a holistic diet rich in fruit and vegetables and lean good protein sources is the best way to go. But what do most Americans and other people living in developed countries do? We eat the most processed garbage our bodies can handle. Foods loaded with fat and empty calories. Then we sit and wonder why are there so many obese and sick people running around? Why are people getting sick at alarming rates? I have always said garbage in garbage out. I am not even considering how inactive these people have become. This issue just aggravates everything else I have already mentioned. If you don't believe me then ask yourself why so many older people that are healthy tote the benefits of fresh juice like Jack La lane and people of that sort? They know and feel the benefits of consuming nutrient dense holistic food. This does not mean that you can never have a hamburger ever again or eat anything processed. All this means is that you should not eat these things as your main source of nutrients. In other words you should not let processed, fatty, nasty food be the norm for your diet. Even if you are not obese yet why bother to eat that way with all the health risks? I know that I want a good quality of life and will continue to eat holistically. I also encourage everyone else to do the same. Go get a juicer and start eating more fruits and vegetables. Your body will thank you.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Give your body enough rest and nutrition and help make things easier!!!
I look around constantly and see all these people in an incessant rush to go and get everywhere yesterday. The funny thing is that people seem to want to have everything on time and earlier but do not want to give their bodies adequate rest or nutrition to achieve this. This is like demanding top performance out of your car with flat tires a dirty air filter and oil in it that hasn't been changed since you bought it. If that last comment sounds loony than so should pushing yourself to extremes and not prepping for this.So if you want peak performance start treating your body like you do. Get enough rest and feed yourself good whole food. Also check the training news regularly for good quality info.
Oral Health and Underlying Medical Conditions | Yahoo! Health
A lot of people take there oral health for granted but it is actually tied in to a lot of other things. Your oral hygiene is a direct reflection of your overall health and can be a very good warning sign of things to come if you are paying attention to the signs. This article has a lot of good information on this topic you should check it out.
Oral Health and Underlying Medical Conditions | Yahoo! Health
Oral Health and Underlying Medical Conditions | Yahoo! Health
Monday, March 12, 2012
Vitamins That Can Hurt You | Yahoo! Health
This is a good article about vitamins that can potentially hurt you if you take too much of them. We live in a society of information and health contentiousness. But we can sometimes have a tendency to look over some important things. Like the fact that too much of a good thing can sometimes be a bad thing. Any way check this out!!
Vitamins That Can Hurt You | Yahoo! Health
Vitamins That Can Hurt You | Yahoo! Health
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Eat nutrient dense food even if you are "dieting" you will get better results.
There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to dieting. One diet says to stop eating one of a certain kind of foods. Another type of diet tells you to stop eating a certain type of nutrient. All these diets have a sole thing in common. Ant time you deplete your diet to the point when you are depriving your body of something it needs you will feel it. When I say you will feel it that does not always mean the same way. If you are an energetic person you may become lethargic and tired. If you are a strong person you will start to get weaker. These are all signs that your body is deprived and it is crashing. Do you have to reduce your caloric intake yes probably. But here is the problem you are eating empty calories. Lots of processed foods and very little holistic foods. These processed foods fill you up but you are not satisfying your bodies need for the micro nutrients that it needs. So you reduce your empty calories even further. Now you are still eating but you are starving to death. Here is your solution start eating the "super foods" nutrient dense foods not empty ones. What I mean is get away from the processed garbage and eat holistic food fruits, vegetables and meats. If you want to take it a step further buy a juicer and start juicing your fruits and veggies. You will satisfy your body, reduce your caloric intake and stay healthy all at the same time. This does not mean you cannot eat processed food. Just make it the minority in your diet. Good luck eat well and train hard until next time!!!
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Mr & Ms. Iron Gladiator!!!
+ Inland Empire championships
Saturday, April 7th, 2012
Corona Civic Center Theater
815 W. Sixth Street
Corona, CA
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Hampton Inn Norco
1530 Hamner Ave
Norco, CA 92860
(951) 279-1111
SpringHill Suites
2025 Compton Ave
Corona, CA 92881
$79 a night, ask for INBA Rate
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Registration: 10am
Prejudging: 12noon
Main show: 6pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $15
Main show: $25, $35
Vip package: $45 (prejudging and a main show ticket first eight rows)
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Spray Tanning
(952) 843-8950
+ Inland Empire championships
Saturday, April 7th, 2012
Corona Civic Center Theater
815 W. Sixth Street
Corona, CA
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Hampton Inn Norco
1530 Hamner Ave
Norco, CA 92860
(951) 279-1111
SpringHill Suites
2025 Compton Ave
Corona, CA 92881
$79 a night, ask for INBA Rate
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Registration: 10am
Prejudging: 12noon
Main show: 6pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $15
Main show: $25, $35
Vip package: $45 (prejudging and a main show ticket first eight rows)
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Spray Tanning
(952) 843-8950
Friday, March 9, 2012
Day light savings time, time to spring forward!! With your training.
It is that time again. We have to change our clocks to spring forward by one hour. I think this can also be a good thing though. Since we have to do this silly thing anyway. Here is one big colossal way that it can help you. You should always do your cardio in the morning before breakfast to optimize fat burning. What you don't know that?! If you would follow the training news regularly you would know that!! Anyway use the time shift to your advantage do some cardio. Since you are already messing with your sleep just tweak it a little more to add time to do cardio. All you really need are 15- 20 minutes and you are right where you need to be. Change your schedule and you will be consistent. So good luck and happy fat burning!!!
Sunday, March 4, 2012
The Arizona Copper Classic!!
Arizona Copper Classic
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Buena High School
5225 Buena School Blvd
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Garden Place Suites
(877) 439-3301
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Prejudging: 9:30am
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $10
Main show: $20
Both shows advance purchase : $25
For info Contact ABA/INBA Main Office (951) 734-3900
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Buena High School
5225 Buena School Blvd
Sierra Vista, AZ 85635
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Garden Place Suites
(877) 439-3301
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Prejudging: 9:30am
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $10
Main show: $20
Both shows advance purchase : $25
For info Contact ABA/INBA Main Office (951) 734-3900
Thursday, March 1, 2012
$5 a gallon gas time to start walking and biking huh?!
With there being a lot of talk about the gas going up to five dollars a gallon I think this is ridiculous. I think people should take to the streets on there bikes and also buy gas and alternative fuel vehicles. In this day and age I think it is really ignorant for people to just accept the status quo. I have made a decision for one and I will purchase an electric vehicle as my next choice. I encourage people everywhere to start opening their minds and getting away from this foreign oil and dependency on gas. If you bike to your work only a couple of times a week imagine how much better you will feel and how much money you will save. So like I said start using those bikes and think of buying electric or sustainable fuel vehicles. After all with their being a "obesity" problem in America and all maybe we should all use our bodies a little more often. In that way I think all of this gas nonsense is a good thing.
Juice in the evening to avoid getting fat!!
This is the second formula of juice that I promised everybody. This is my special night time recipe. The difference between the morning one and this one is that their is less fruit and more veggies in this one to help you stay leaner. I will not put exact amounts because I do not know how much you are comfortable making at a time. So here are the ingredients:
Green apples
Kale or chard
Ginger(does not take much)
cucumber or celery
It is that simple just make the desired amount and you have a good healthy evening food source. You can also add protein powder to make it complete.
Green apples
Kale or chard
Ginger(does not take much)
cucumber or celery
It is that simple just make the desired amount and you have a good healthy evening food source. You can also add protein powder to make it complete.
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
The INBA Northern California Natural !!!
Northern California Natural
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Everett Middle School
450 Church Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Check-In: 11am
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $10
Main show: $20
Both shows advance purchase : $25
For info Contact ABA/INBA Main Office (951) 734-3900
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Everett Middle School
450 Church Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Check-In: 11am
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $10
Main show: $20
Both shows advance purchase : $25
For info Contact ABA/INBA Main Office (951) 734-3900
Betty White can still rock so can you!!
I love all these older folks who still have a good spark of life in them. This is how life should be. I looked at the Yahoo news and saw that Betty White and Axl Rose got together to help a zoo. Only in America will you see an older lady rocking and rolling. I think this is awesome. We should enjoy every bit of our life. All you you young fat and "sick" people should be inspired by people like Betty White and Jack Lalanne. These people made it into their "golden" years. Which don't seem too golden for a lot of older people by the way. And they still have vitality and enjoy their life's. My hat is off to people like this they appreciate life and have taken good care of themselves and it shows.
The pint size kids with super human strength!!
These kids are amazing.. Check this out wow!! If this does not inspire you to work out than nothing will!!! These two pint size little guys have super human strength. Romanian Brothers, Ages Seven and Five, Are Unbelievably Strong
The SunShine State Campionship!!!
This is going to be a good show to check out it is the first year and looks very promising. Check it out!!!Go to www.sunshinestatechampionship.com As I said the latest contests and news right here people!!
Chris Challenger NGA Sunshine State Championship
June 23rd
Tier 3 (Pro. Qualifier)
Edgewater High School
Orlando, Florida
Chris Challenger NGA Sunshine State Championship
June 23rd
Tier 3 (Pro. Qualifier)
Edgewater High School
Orlando, Florida
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Natural Bodybuilding events and news to keep inspired!!!
Keep posted on natural bodybuilding events and news with the training news. There is nothing as motivating or inspirational as natural bodybuilding events!!! The training news will keep you posted with videos and articles outlining the best in natural bodybuilding news. Follow us by e- mail or on Google and keep inspired!!!
The morning Juice for a healthier you.
I like to make this juice with red apples and carrots. I juice them together and I will add one spear of broccoli in to the mix. Then I will make a puree with Mango, Papaya, and banana. Mix these all together in the same bottle and you have the breakfast juice blend. I also have a juice blend that I use in the afternoon. I will post this recipe tomorrow. In the mean time train hard and smart!!
Monday, February 27, 2012
The holistc approach to dieting down Awesome!!!
Allot of people diet down for different reasons. You might be doing it for a bodybuilding show or maybe you just want to lose some extra weight. Either way as with many things there is a healthy way and unhealthy to do it. I have recently stumbled on to a good plan that has helped me diet down and lean out and it is as healthy as possible. I call it the holistic approach to leaning out. I had dieted using plain food and diet everything in the past and yeah it worked but I felt tired weak and just plain BLAH. This method is awesome you use two different juice formulas that I have put together and only eat whole natural food. Vegetables, meat and fruit. One of the juice formulas is for early in the day and the other one is for later. The good part is that you can consume protein from lean sources. I am loving it so far.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Change things up to spice up your training program.
Much like other people who are advanced in their training regiments I was having trouble keeping motivated not too long ago. I just did not seem motivated to train and it was harder and harder for me to get in the gym and train. I was thinking what is wrong with me? I have been training my whole adult life and now I am not motivated to do what I love to do. I had a kind of eureka moment I have always been doing traditional gym type exercises. So no matter how I would change or do something different it was getting stale. I started incorporating unconventional movements and exercises 2-3 times a week. Not only did my body respond but my mind did to. I will do an MMA style workout for endurance twice a week. This is a very good replacement for cardio boredom by the way. Then a friend of mine has introduced me to the strong man lifts with the yolk, logs and strongman dumbbells. That is one hell of a workout by the way. Anyway my point in saying all this is variety is the spice of life even in the gym. If you are getting stuck in a rut and bored experiment a little.
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Healthy Resolution Ideas: Get More Sleep | Yahoo! Health
This is a good article highlighting the importance of rest to recuperation and rejuvenation of our bodies and minds. Take a Minute and check it out. You might be surprised how important sleep really is.Healthy Resolution Ideas: Get More Sleep | Yahoo! Health
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Pepper sprayed at Disney land? C'mon people find a healthy way to vent.
I looked at the news this morning and I see some fat guy getting pepper sprayed by some poor Disney land security guard that had to protect the guests. Really lets get drunk and take our petty little frustrations out on some poor people at Disneyland. Can you say stress management? Why don't you put down the wings and the pizza and get to the gym? You will get healthier while reducing stress. The funny thing about it is that he is not the only person that has this problem there are several people that are like this. If you don't believe me look at all the road rage when you drive. If there were more people there in better shape this guy would have been taken care of in a second. Heck he might have been better at managing his own stress and not gone off if he just took better care of himself. So keep up the exercise reduce stress and have fun when you are supposed to have fun.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Bad Sleep Linked to Alzheimer's - ABC News
This is interesting. You need rest especially when you are training and pushing your body. This just proves how important rest really is to keeping you healthy. I always recommend at least eight hours of sleep and maybe even a nap with that amount of sleep. Another good thing to do is to take a supplement like ZMA. You can look it up and find it in the blog. It helps you sleep and recover naturally. Melatonin is also good to help reset your sleep schedule if you travel. you take it 30 min before bed and it will reset your sleeping habits to help kill jet lag and things like that. Anyway enough ranting check out the article. Bad Sleep Linked to Alzheimer's - ABC News
Monday, February 13, 2012
Love Your Heart: 3 Habits to a Longer Life | Yahoo! Health
Check out this article for a healthy heart. If your pump is not strong then neither are you. Your heart is essential for cardio and weight training. Without a strong one you cant do either one. The article focuses on longevity but the things contained are good for general cardiovascular health. Love Your Heart: 3 Habits to a Longer Life | Yahoo! Health
Sunday, February 12, 2012
Do your cardio outside added benifit!!!
I know we live in a technological society that is all about machines, Technology and gadgets but sometimes older is better. For instance if you run out side vs. running on a treadmill it is harder. Do you know why? The reason is because you are moving %100 of you weight with your muscles. If you use a treadmill the ground is moving under your feet which is helping you to move forward. I am not saying to abandon your cardio(aerobic exercise) if you like to use machines. All I am saying is that change is good and you will get a better workout by running outside at least every once and a while. Plus you get all the other benefits of running outside like the sun and fresh air. So I would encourage everyone to get outside and take advantage. Get the most out of your aerobic exercise.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Juice to a Healthier you!!!
I am not talking about drugs just good old fresh fruit and vegetable juice. I have used fresh fruit and vegetable juices for years and enjoy their benefits. You get more energy and feel healthier. The juice also makes you feel full so you don't fill up on needless empty calories as much. There are so many benefits to adding this to your lifestyle I can hardly describe them. I will cover more of these at a later date. In the mean time go get a good juicer and start juicing every day. Your body will thank you.
Friday, February 10, 2012
Diet pills can kill. You won't have to worry about your weight if you are dead!!!
When are people going to learn that all this pill popping and medicating everything is not the way to go? There are pills for everything and most of them will kill you or permanently mess you up while delivering the "desired" effect. Now they are saying some drug called mediator killed 1,300 people in Europe. If people would just start being more active and incorporate an exercise plan into there life combined with a good whole food based diet they would not have to worry. Not to mention the fact that this action would make them healthier and have a better quality of life. But no lets get doped up and addicted to prescription pills right. Here is a link to the article:
http://news.yahoo.com/french-weight-loss-drug-killed-least-1-300-145138816.html Check it out. And in the mean time keep training and don't treat you body like a garbage can and feed it garbage.
http://news.yahoo.com/french-weight-loss-drug-killed-least-1-300-145138816.html Check it out. And in the mean time keep training and don't treat you body like a garbage can and feed it garbage.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
900 trillion dollar Crazy-Fun Ab Exercises
I am just kidding about the stupid 900 trillion dollars. How much is your health and well being worth any way? Check this cool article on fun ab exercises!!! You should always make your training fun them you will want to do it and it will seem less monotonous. Three Crazy-Fun Ab Exercises
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Be like the oldest thing on earth Eat and live and train for a long good life!!
The news has recently announced that the oldest living thing in the world is a patch of seaweed of the Mediterranean sea. Check it out. That seaweed has one big good thing going for it. It is 10 miles long by the way. It follows the K.I.S.S method.Not the big hair band but it keeps it simple stupid! That's what would help so many people in their day to day life if they could just keep it simple. It makes things so much easier and reduces stress. If you just stop for a minute and think about things before you act you will notice this to. I don't plan on being 200,000 years old but I will say this again. Sometimes simple is truly best.
Monday, February 6, 2012
7 Diet Plans That Let You Eat Dessert | Yahoo! Health
Here are some reasonable ideas to include desert in your diet. I know that most people love their desert. Check it out.7 Diet Plans That Let You Eat Dessert | Yahoo! Health
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Superbowl, Chicken wings and beer? Proceed with caution!!
Alright I know that a lot of people are going to meet with friends and take in the Superbowl this weekend. Here is the thing. It is always a celebration and there are always loads of junk to consume. So should you not celebrate? Of course not but a better method of handling this would be to treat it like a cheat meal for you. You know that one time during the week when you go and treat yourself to whatever you want to eat. Make that your Superbowl party day. If you are more dedicated to to your program and do not want to stray off of your program then you can turn to some healthier alternatives. Like instead of making buffalo wings make buffalo chicken breast. Drink light beer instead of regular and have some party trays with veggies. That would be a good way to keep up the fight. Just because you want to take part in the festivities does not mean you have to throw away your hard work.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Want to get rid of some stress? Work out!!!
Every day I go to work and every day I see people "stressed". They are all possessed and concerned about so many little things in their lives that it can lead to depression and lack of activity. One good way to get rid of stress is to exercise. It will help to clear your mind and make you relax and see things for they are. We are becoming more in active as a society every year. Then we rely on stimulants to give us "energy". If your body was in good shape you would not have to rely on stimulants like caffeine and nicotine to keep you going. Your metabolism would already be in high gear. As much time as people dedicate to other things through out there week exercise should be part of your focus. Get up, get out and enjoy your life. Do not live to work. Work to live.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
7 Fitness Myths, Busted | Yahoo! Health
This is a good general reference for some pretty standard myth in training and fitness. Check it out and become informed on what is fact and what is fiction. 7 Fitness Myths, Busted | Yahoo! Health
The Royal Rumble with your self
In you quest to gain health and your training goals it is difficult to say the least at times. There are a couple of things that will help you along the way.
1. Be consistent and stick with your training and nutrition program.
2. Make sure you are following good sound advice and keep yourself informed.
If you follow these two simple rule you will have a much higher chance for success. Don't give up and keep up the fight!!!
1. Be consistent and stick with your training and nutrition program.
2. Make sure you are following good sound advice and keep yourself informed.
If you follow these two simple rule you will have a much higher chance for success. Don't give up and keep up the fight!!!
20 Best Foods for Fiber | Yahoo! Health
These are some really good food choices for more fiber. A good article for part of a healthy diet. Whole foods are always better because of things like this. 20 Best Foods for Fiber | Yahoo! Health
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