When are people going to learn that all this pill popping and medicating everything is not the way to go? There are pills for everything and most of them will kill you or permanently mess you up while delivering the "desired" effect. Now they are saying some drug called mediator killed 1,300 people in Europe. If people would just start being more active and incorporate an exercise plan into there life combined with a good whole food based diet they would not have to worry. Not to mention the fact that this action would make them healthier and have a better quality of life. But no lets get doped up and addicted to prescription pills right. Here is a link to the article:
http://news.yahoo.com/french-weight-loss-drug-killed-least-1-300-145138816.html Check it out. And in the mean time keep training and don't treat you body like a garbage can and feed it garbage.
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