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Monday, February 28, 2011
Men: What Your Sex Life Says About Your Health
Men: What Your Sex Life Says About Your Health
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Women: Eliminate Heart Attack Risk by Nearly 90 Percent
Women: Eliminate Heart Attack Risk by Nearly 90 Percent
Saturday, February 26, 2011
The Id Ego and training
'Heroes' Judged Harshly for Bad Behavior, Study Finds
'Heroes' Judged Harshly for Bad Behavior, Study Finds
Friday, February 25, 2011
Yahoo! Shine - Forever foods: 9 cooking staples that can outlast you
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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested. It mentions dome pretty health long lasting foods. Check it out. Don't forget to check my site for tonnes of useful info.
Forever foods: 9 cooking staples that can outlast you on Shine
Yahoo! Shine
Thursday, February 24, 2011
5 Ways to Cheat Death
5 Ways to Cheat Death
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
The 200 diet
Ancient Inca grain is new health food darling
Ancient Inca grain is new health food darling
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
The old vs the new view on training
Foods That Fight Sickness
Foods That Fight Sickness
Monday, February 21, 2011
Yahoo! Shine - 10 dirty fruits and veggies
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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested.
10 dirty fruits and veggies - Food on Shine
Yahoo! Shine
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Is fat a friend or foe?
7 Best Fast-Food Meals Under 350 Calories
7 Best Fast-Food Meals Under 350 Calories
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Vegetarianism all the rage in MMA - UFC - Yahoo! Sports
Hanoman King (thetrainingnews@yahoo.com) has sent you a news article
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MMA diets check them out.
Vegetarianism all the rage in MMA - UFC - Yahoo! Sports
Yahoo! Sports - http://sports.yahoo.com/
Friday, February 18, 2011
Creatine what does it actually do for you?
Alternative Cold and Flu Remedies
Alternative Cold and Flu Remedies
Your Finger Length and Prostate Risk
Your Finger Length and Prostate Risk
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sitting Too Much? One-Minute Breaks Can Help
Sitting Too Much? One-Minute Breaks Can Help
L- Glutamine and its benefits
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Yahoo! Shine - “Hey, That’s Exercise!� (Actually, It Might Not Be.)
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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested.
“Hey, That’s Exercise!� (Actually, It Might Not Be.) - Healthy Living on Shine
Yahoo! Shine
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Yahoo! Shine - Natural remedies for the 15 most common aches, pains, and health complaints
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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested.
Natural remedies for the 15 most common aches, pains, and health complaints on Shine
Yahoo! Shine
Could Getting More Fiber Help You Live Longer?
Could Getting More Fiber Help You Live Longer?
Monday, February 14, 2011
Time crunched training
14 Things Your Eyes Say About Your Health
14 Things Your Eyes Say About Your Health
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Split your rest days to inrease your success!!!
Make Over Your Body With Yoga
Make Over Your Body With Yoga
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Yahoo! Finance Story - 10-states-with-the-deadliest-eating-habits: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Hanoman (thetrainingnews@yahoo.com) has sent you a news article
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10-states-with-the-deadliest-eating-habits: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance
Yahoo! Finance http://finance.yahoo.com/
Best and Worst Valentine's Day Candy
Best and Worst Valentine's Day Candy
Friday, February 11, 2011
A good beginners workout.
Beginners training regimen.
Day one:
Chest and biceps
Bench press machine flys Incline press 3sets x 10-12 reps 3sets x 10-12reps 3sets x 10- 12 reps
Day two:
Back, triceps and shoulders
T- Bar rows Lat pull downs Hyper extensions Shoulder presses 3sets x 10-12 reps 3sets x 10-12reps 3sets x 10- 12 reps 3sets x 10-12 reps
Day three:
Leg extensions Leg press Calf raises Leg curls
4sets x 10-12 reps 4 sets x 10-12 rep 3 sets x 15 – 20 reps 3 sets x 10-12 reps
*** The days between the training days are for rest and cardio. Cardio is to be performed 15 min durations in the morning before breakfast. Only drink water during your cardio nothing sweet or that has calories.
A lot of the movements can be substituted for calisthenics if you do not have access to a gym in your area. I would suggest upping the reps to 25 for the calisthenics and the sets to four. You could replace the flat and incline chest presses with flat and inclined push ups. As far as the back regiment is concerned you could do pull ups instead of lat pull downs. In fact if you are strong enough I suggest this either way. And of course free squats and calf raises for legs. Which ever way you do it just be consistent and stick to your guns. Your persistence will pay off in the end.
Why am I so fatigued?
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Strokes are rising fast among young, middle-aged
Strokes are rising fast among young, middle-aged
What are "processed foods" and why should you avoid them?
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Yahoo! Shine - 6 Moves to Six-Pack Abs
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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested.
6 Moves to Six-Pack Abs - Healthy Living on Shine
Yahoo! Shine
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
The truth about leg presses
Physical exercise helps keeps cancer at bay: WHO
Physical exercise helps keeps cancer at bay: WHO
Monday, February 7, 2011
Yahoo! News Story - Qigong: mindful movement made in China - Yahoo! News
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This not so new exercise for mind. body and spirit is gaining popularity. Check it out. I have been practicing chi gong for years. I love it.
Qigong: mindful movement made in China - Yahoo! News
Yahoo! News
5 All-Star Supplements
5 All-Star Supplements
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Yahoo! Shine - The Top 6 Calorie-Burning Workouts
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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested. Some good general tips to keep the burn going.
The Top 6 Calorie-Burning Workouts - Healthy Living on Shine
Yahoo! Shine
These are some good workouts for burning extra fat and calories if this can be useful to you at this time. Some are also endurance style workouts that of course also burn fat. Check out my article called the benefits of cardio in the morning before breakfast for more info on leveraging your fat burning and not sacrificing as much muscle in the process.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Dumbbells vs. barbells what is the difference?
Your Heart Health: 13 Numbers Everyone Should Know
Check this out it is a quick numerical reference to heart health. Everybody should be concerned about their tickers. Know your numbers and have a healthier happier heart.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Stretching? Why is it important?
Yahoo! Movies - Why Hugh Jackman Eats "6,000 Calories a Day"
Personal message:
Good job for Mr. Jackman. Keep training and dieting to fit those roles. He has my respect he is am awesome actor.
Why Hugh Jackman Eats "6,000 Calories a Day"
Yahoo! Movies http://movies.yahoo.com/