I know its hard during the holidays to keep consistent with your training. It is very important for you to keep consistent with your training. The only thing that will guarantee success when training is consistency. This can be difficult during the time the holidays because of food, training, time ect. This is not an excuse to stop training stopped in your feeling you won't be able to succeed you can use the extra food and nutrition to actually increase your intake of protein you change during your training soit can become beneficial close to counter productive. This is the focus is you should maintain an order to continue your proper training process throughout the holiday season. Wish you the best continue training hard and keep your focus. I believe big time in during a negative thing into a positive thing. There's no reason but the holidays should be negative towards you training. It should be a positive time for you and your family. So use whatever techniques you need this is Terry to make this time a good time for your training and your family. You can turn negative connotation of the holidays positive production for your training.I personally always look at the holidays as a good time to put on size. This is the perfect time the train hard and gain size.

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