I decided to have an article that described the things that really hurt you in the gym. In order to make it more easily accessible I have narrowed it down to the top five things that will really hurt your progress. So here we go.
5. Lack of consistency
I have been harping on this since starting this site. No matter what you do you must do it for a while to be successful. Consistency is your key to success as they say. So whatever the training regiment you follow at least follow it for a while but not too long.
4. complacency in training
What I mean by this is doing the same thing for far too long. I know I just said that you have to be consistent to be successful in number five but you don't want to do the same thing for too long either. Our bodies are bio feedback mechanisms and often times people in the gym hit plateaus due to the fact t hat they have been doing the same exact routine for years. If you don't want to hit any sticking points change it up once and a while.
3. Over training
Over training is something that happens all to often to new people in the gym. They are so eager to see progress that they over train there muscles. Let us not forget that we grow outside the gym and not in it. The training that you do is simply put a form of stimulation to the muscles. It is the nutrition and rest that produce progress and growth. It is a fine line train to little no results or train too much and no results due to over training. You need to find your sweet spot.
2. Stress and negativity
These are probably two of the most harmful thing to anyone who wants results from there training. People will look at you and tell you will not succeed because they themselves have failed. You will also have self doubts and general situations that are difficult by nature are good enough distractions. You have to learn too tune these things out if you do not they will pull down your focus and motivation like crabs in a barrel. Keep your eye on the prize.
1. Nutrition
I have always said that training is a 50/50. Half what you do in the gym and the other half is what you put in your mouth. If you are eating the wrong things or not enough of the right things than it will be difficult for you. Would you ask a home builder to build you a house out of cardboard? Then why do people ask there bodies to do such things. They train and work hard and then eat junk or not enough of the right stuff. Check out how much protein is enough protein for protein intake. I had a friend in high school that was tired of always being behind me with all of his lifts. So his solution was to take hormones and he still didn't eat the way I told him to. He still didn't beat me in my lifts because he was only working at %50 and I was at somewhere close to %100 because my nutrition was were it needed to be. I hope you can take advantage from this article and avoid taking these same pitfalls.