Thursday, March 31, 2011

Yahoo! Shine - The 3 colors you should be eating more of

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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested. It goes over the importance of colored vegetables in our diets.

The 3 colors you should be eating more of - Healthy Living on Shine

Yahoo! Shine

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

5 New Rules for a Healthy Heart

Here is a good article to keep your heart healthy and you in the gym. These are some good rules and pretty simple ones for good heart health. Bad heart equals less or no gym time... Check it out.
5 New Rules for a Healthy Heart

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Health Tip: Take an Antibiotic Properly

If you are sick and the doctor prescribes you an antibiotic you need to take all of it. One of the reasons we have these super bugs these days is due to people not finishing their antibiotics. The reason this happens is because the stronger members of the bacterial strain that are still hanging on will survive if you don't continue the use of the medicine. So not only does it come back but it comes back stronger. Check out this short article for some more info. If you stay sick you can't train..
Health Tip: Take an Antibiotic Properly

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Slim Pickings: Healthiest Fruits

These are some good recommendations for alternative desert choices with using fruits instead of junk. The article also shows calorie content of the fruits as well for comparison. Check it out.
Slim Pickings: Healthiest Fruits

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Lose Your Fear of Lifting

Twelve reasons women should be hitting the weights. There are clearly too many benefits here to ignore people. Good article for all female gym enthusiasts. check it out.
Lose Your Fear of Lifting

Friday, March 18, 2011

8 Secretly Super-Salty Foods

Watch out for the extra salt that is pumped into these foods. Salt can cause a whole host of problems in different kinds of people. We need some but not too much is usually a bad thing all around. Check it out..
8 Secretly Super-Salty Foods

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3 reasons why Cleansing is so important?

Cleansing is a vital part to the start of any new nutrition regiment. It helps you to start out fresh and new in more ways than one. I have come up with this quick three point reference list of why it is important for your nutrition and training regiments.

1. Cleaning out the GI tract

Cleansing cleans out the gastrointestinal tract. Over the time when you were eating poorly or making bad nutritional choices your body has accumulated a lot of "junk" in your G.I. tract. I know if your nutrition was not where it needed to be you were not eating enough fiber so that alone means that there is all kinds of backed up stuff that the cleanse should eliminate. If you ate a lot of white bread all that flour has been lining the G.I. tract and needs to go for good nutrient absorption.

2. Cleansing gets your fluids right.

When I say fluids I mean H2O that's right water. Most cleansing systems recommend that you drink a lot of water with them. This is a very good recommendation due to the fact that most people do not get enough water throughout the day. You can see my previous article about how much water you need everyday for training. All that flour in your G.I tract that I previously mentioned from white flour products. Well that is able to sort of stay in place due to lack for fluids it is what makes it thick.

3. Flushing the rest out

The rest of these systems are designed to help you balance your body out and flush any other toxins or garbage out. In the previous points I have been mentioning a lot about your G.I tract but that is not all that needs to be cleansed. There is also a lot of stuff in the blood and liver that should be flushed. Most cleansing systems have herbal extracts built in to do this trick.

When starting a new program I always recommend to cleanse your self first. By doing this you are starting off on the right foot and giving yourself a strong renewed beginning. I have added a link with a good cleansing product here.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Australia mulls lifting ban on hemp foods

This doesn't surprise me at all about this government. They are probably more liberal than the rest of Europe. I think all governments around the world should make it illegal to "smoke" anything due to the addicts getting cancer from the carcinogens in the smoke. Although I do not agree with drug use at all if they do use some sort of drug they should eat it as not to burden the rest of society with the future medical bills.
Australia mulls lifting ban on hemp foods

Is Gluten Making Us Fat?

There is a lot of controversy surrounding gluten. Some people are allergic to it and some people blame it for almost every health problem people have. Check this article out it will help you get some facts straight.
Is Gluten Making Us Fat?

Monday, March 14, 2011

17 Shortcuts to Perfect Health

These are some good questions and answers with real world info on how to stay healthy. This is a good article for a quick reference to a lot of different topics. Check it out.
17 Shortcuts to Perfect Health

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Large or small which body part first?

There is a lot of confusion over which body parts to train first. There is a pretty simple rule to follow to keep you out of trouble in this department. The easy rule to follow is that the smaller the muscle group generally you don't want to do more than three sets. The reasoning behind such logic is that you will over train the muscle group causing it to fatigue and fail to recover and grow properly. This especially holds true if you are new to training. Your muscles will not be used to recovering and will be damaged too severely to recuperate properly before your next workout. If you are more seasoned and advanced at the weight lifting game however you can probably get away with a higher work volume on those smaller body parts. So beyond that simple fact of the gym you can also stick to three simple rules when it comes to work volume.

1. Low reps = strength training

Low reps under 8 are designed for power lifting and strength conditioning. This is not for fat burning or muscle growth like a bodybuilder. It is also not like that of an endurance athlete with super high reps it is the exact opposite.

2. medium reps for muscle

Medium reps are usually the core of every bodybuilders routine. They use a rep range of 10 - 12 reps to stimulate as many fibers as possible. This is what helps them to trigger muscle growth and some fat burning at the same time.

3. Hi reps for endurance/ aerobic exercise

The truly high rep ranges are used for conditioning and endurance purposes almost exclusively. The rep range for these exercises is a range of 12 - 15 reps for high volume. The high volume also keeps your heart rate higher which helps with the fat burning.

The bottom line is yet again pick something that works for you but don't overdue it. If you do it will surely do more damage than good especially for the new people.So pick which one works for you stick to it and be consistent for results.

Your Muscle Flex Plan

This is a good all around circuit to follow for good benefits all around. You can also take pieces and parts from it and utilize what you need. Check it out.
Your Muscle Flex Plan

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Photos on Yahoo! Health

Here is an article that could help some people with morning workout tips. You can also read my article about why you should do your cardio in the morning before breakfast.
Photos on Yahoo! Health

Friday, March 11, 2011

5 Myths About Antioxidants

This is a cool realistic article about antioxidants. They are good nutrients but they do get hyped up quite a lot. Check it out it is a good article. Learn the truth about these little super foods.
5 Myths About Antioxidants

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Lose Your Fear of Lifting

This article is perfect for all you women out there who are afraid to lift weights. You do not have to be afraid you will not look masculine. It is not easy to get big like a bodybuilder like you are thinking. A little weight lifting could do you a world of good.
Lose Your Fear of Lifting

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Yahoo! Finance Story - subway-passes-mcdonalds: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

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This is excellent news for the country. This means that people are starting to eat healthier by just a little bit. I hope this is an indicator that our country is getting healthier.

subway-passes-mcdonalds: Personal Finance News from Yahoo! Finance

Yahoo! Finance

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Scientists Link 13 New Gene Regions to Heart Disease Risk

This is an interesting article about genetic characteristics that show you may have a propensity for heart disease. It doesn't mean you will get it it just means your chances are a lot greater that someone without these genetic characteristics. As they say knowing is half the battle the other half is keeping healthy and adjusting your daily habits to combat these bad characteristics. My site can help you with that. Check it out.
Scientists Link 13 New Gene Regions to Heart Disease Risk

Sunday, March 6, 2011

7 Ways to Avoid Allergies and Toxic Pollution at the Gym

Here is a list of things to avoid if you are prone to allergies. There is also a list of possible toxic things in the gym and how to avoid those as well. You should try to make your training the healthiest experience for you as possible. So check this out.
7 Ways to Avoid Allergies and Toxic Pollution at the Gym

Saturday, March 5, 2011

3 top motivation methods to keep training

People often find them self's in a difficult spot when it comes to staying motivated. There are some tricks however to keep yourself motivated and keep your progression to your goals. Here are the top three methods for sustained motivation.

1.Form a plan
You have to have a plan. If you do not have a plan you will be lost. The killer that you will not see is the word why. Without a plan it is the nagging reason. Why am I doing this? Formulate a good plan of what you want to do and train for. Whatever the plan my be make one and stick to it.

2.Make goals
You must make goals to reach your potential. If you have no goals it is like wanting to go up stairs with no steps. Do you think that the top athletes and individuals in the world started as what they were. Or did they actually make goals and stick to them to succeed. I think the reasoning is pretty obvious behind that statement. Unless you can fly get on the steps like the rest of us. Make both large and small goals and stick to them do not give up!

3.Stick to your guns!!
Above all else never give up. It is never too late to start a good nutrition and training regiment. I think that everyone on the planet should train and eat healthy. There is an uncountable group of things, events and circumstances that will constantly try to bring you down. The greatest enemy in all of this is yourself. I you can not block out simple stuff you will defeat yourself before you have even started. Anybody can make excuses for why they do not want to do something but few will have the fortitude to suck it up and continue. So stick to your guns so you can have some.

12 Best Restaurant Weight Loss Tricks

Here is an article that can help all you time crunched I can't cook people. At least it can help you to make some better choices while eating out. Check it out.
12 Best Restaurant Weight Loss Tricks

Friday, March 4, 2011

Yahoo! News Story - The Fight Over High-Fructose Corn Syrup - Yahoo! News

This is a good article about the reasoning and products which contain high fructose corn syrup. Is it good or bad? Find out here.
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The Fight Over High-Fructose Corn Syrup - Yahoo! News

Yahoo! News

Yahoo! Shine - Bananas: The ultimate hunger buster

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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested. Who knew bananas had this property in their starch. That is good for fighting those cravings and needless hunger.

Bananas: The ultimate hunger buster - Food on Shine

Yahoo! Shine

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Yahoo! Shine - Eat This for Gorgeous Skin

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I saw this blog post on Yahoo! Shine and thought that you might be interested. It is an interesting article on skin health and nutrition.

Eat This for Gorgeous Skin on Shine

Yahoo! Shine

5 Things that kill your progress in the gym

I decided to have an article that described the things that really hurt you in the gym. In order to make it more easily accessible I have narrowed it down to the top five things that will really hurt your progress. So here we go.
5. Lack of consistency
I have been harping on this since starting this site. No matter what you do you must do it for a while to be successful. Consistency is your key to success as they say. So whatever the training regiment you follow at least follow it for a while but not too long.
4. complacency in training
What I mean by this is doing the same thing for far too long. I know I just said that you have to be consistent to be successful in number five but you don't want to do the same thing for too long either. Our bodies are bio feedback mechanisms and often times people in the gym hit plateaus due to the fact t hat they have been doing the same exact routine for years. If you don't want to hit any sticking points change it up once and a while.
3. Over training
Over training is something that happens all to often to new people in the gym. They are so eager to see progress that they over train there muscles. Let us not forget that we grow outside the gym and not in it. The training that you do is simply put a form of stimulation to the muscles. It is the nutrition and rest that produce progress and growth. It is a fine line train to little no results or train too much and no results due to over training. You need to find your sweet spot.
2. Stress and negativity
These are probably two of the most harmful thing to anyone who wants results from there training. People will look at you and tell you will not succeed because they themselves have failed. You will also have self doubts and general situations that are difficult by nature are good enough distractions. You have to learn too tune these things out if you do not they will pull down your focus and motivation like crabs in a barrel. Keep your eye on the prize.
1. Nutrition
I have always said that training is a 50/50. Half what you do in the gym and the other half is what you put in your mouth. If you are eating the wrong things or not enough of the right things than it will be difficult for you. Would you ask a home builder to build you a house out of cardboard? Then why do people ask there bodies to do such things. They train and work hard and then eat junk or not enough of the right stuff. Check out how much protein is enough protein for protein intake. I had a friend in high school that was tired of always being behind me with all of his lifts. So his solution was to take hormones and he still didn't eat the way I told him to. He still didn't beat me in my lifts because he was only working at %50 and I was at somewhere close to %100 because my nutrition was were it needed to be. I hope you can take advantage from this article and avoid taking these same pitfalls.