The training news is here for the people. For all those people who would love to train but never get the right information. We here at training news will get the right and good non bias answers you need to achieve a strong mind, body and spirit, no matter what your training needs. We have 15 years of experience and counting. Book mark us for good everyday sound training and nutrition info. HELP KEEP THE TRAINING NEWS FREE BY CHECKING OUT OUR SPONSOR ADS. THANKS!
Thursday, February 28, 2013
INBA Northern California Natural
Saturday, March 23, 2013
Everett Middle School
450 Church Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
3 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
National Qualifier
Check-In: 11am
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $15
Main show: $25 or $35
VIP Package (All Day) : $45
Wednesday, February 27, 2013
Fenugreek for increased testosterone!!
There is an herb that is not as popular to most people out there that is gaining more and more attention recently. The herb is fenugreek. This herb is gaining all of this attention because it actually has clinical science backing up the claims. There are tons and tons of studies showing that it is effective at increasing test levels in humans naturally. You know the ageless male product that is all over t.v.? The main ingredient in that is derived from fenugreek. I have used tribillius in the past and it work well for me. Unfortunately there was no real clinical evidence showing that it increased testosterone in humans. But I could feel it working for me and it was way beyond a placebo effect if that is what you are thinking. If you are looking for a natural testosterone booster give fenugreek a try. The research looks amazing.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Why are peole getting fat faster?? !!
This has been a question of many different people in many different places around the world. It seems that human beings as a hole in developed societies around the world regardless of country are getting fatter by the year. So why is this? Why are people getting so fat? Well most research that is worth anything seems to indicate that it is not the food that we consume. Everybody always seems to think if they eat less or don't eat this that that would be the magic fix. Well this could not be further from the truth. The truth is that the average caloric intake for a person has only increased by about 500 calories since the middle ages. So what is the answer then? I actually said it earlier in the article when I mention "developed" before country. The more developed a country is the more tech that is available to its people. The more tech you use the less active you get. And the vicious cycle starts. So do yourself a huge favor and be more active. Until next time.
Central California Natural Bodybuilding Championships
Central California Natural
Bodybuilding Championships
+ Mr. & Ms. Kern County
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Harvey Auditorium
2141 G Street
Bakersfield, CA
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be received two weeks prior to the competition date!
Dominick Dibetta
(661) 348-1392
Springfield Suites Marriott
5 Years Drug Free
National Qualifier
Check In:
Prejudging: 12pm
Main show: 6pm
Ticket prices
Pre Judging:
Main show: $20, $30
Cash ONLY at the Door!
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Make a shake !! 7 Signs of a Healthy Smoothie | Yahoo! Health
I like making a shake every morning. I know this article is not geared towards a "weight lifting" type shake it does have some good tips for a general healthy shake. Check it out I think you can benefit from it. Like I said a shake is my breakfast every morning. You should try it. It will make you healthier and happier at least it seems to do that for me.
7 Signs of a Healthy Smoothie | Yahoo! Health
7 Signs of a Healthy Smoothie | Yahoo! Health
Strength movments and variety in your training.
There is a huge movement right now towards variety type training styles. Just look at all these cross fit type training systems. They have you work out a variety of exercises and push yourself to fail. Although this is a good way to train and it will result in you getting in shape it only addresses two of the three types of muscle fibers. Te a and ab type fibers. It does not address the strength fibers much. So in other words it is good for endurance but not to good for strength. This does not mean it is not good or doesn't work it does work. It is just not as well rounded as I would like to train. What I would encourage you to do then is to incorporate some sort of strength training to go along with it. This will make it more well rounded. Remember variety is the spice of life. But this applies to all things including your training. The type of strength training I like to do is strong man. I enjoy the multi-joint movements and the raw strength that is required. I would encourage you to try it to spice up your routine and add some strength. I have include a picture of me doing log presses for an example.
Monday, February 18, 2013
Building muscle starts with your mind!!!!
People have asked me for years what do you do for this? And how do you do that? Well I have a secret to tell all of them. Which if they are actually truthfully listening to me I have told anyone who has asked me. Building muscle, getting ripped and achieving your goals in the gym all starts in one place. It starts in your mind. That's right your mind not your brain. Your brain is an organ people your mind is you. You have to make a mental decision to stop all of this stupid cry baby excuses that most people cling to like crazy. If you want something you have to go get it. There are no short cuts so make yourself mentally strong against these pitfalls that most surrender to and take what you want. You have to refuse to accept failure and cling on to your goals even harder that those sorry excuses. Once you are able to tell your body no after a long day of work and able to still make it into the gym, your first step is already over with. Now all you have to do is to continue. Like I said before don't let the little stupid things that happen in life become so big in your perception of things. If you allow this magnification of weakness to happen in your mind what do you think your body will do. Of course it has to follow. Stay strong, train hard until next time.
Sunday, February 17, 2013
What is a super set vs. a drop set?
I was at the gm today and there was some confusion as to what a drop set was. Some of the people thought it was going really heavy and some of them thought it was doing a super light set after a normal one. As I overheard them talk I couldn't let them remain so confused. So I earned my good deed for the month and I told them what "drop setting" is. The proper way to conduct a drop set is done at the point of failure. Once your muscle has reached the point of failure then you slightly lower the weight and do a forced set. It is that simple. So naturally the next question was "what is a super set then?" A super set is simply doing a similar movement but an easier one following a hard one. For instance if you were doing flat benching for instance and wanted to super st it with machine flys what you would do is jump on the fly as soon as you finish the bench and do a quick set of flys. It is not the same movement nor is it necessarily light but it does affect the same muscle you are training. I really wish I made $60 an hour like these so called personal trainers. They sure do like putting people through circuit training. Until next time train hard and safe.
Friday, February 15, 2013
Ripped abs Read this!!!
There is a growing trend to get "ripped abs". This is fine things are always trending and changing but how do you achieve the ripped ab look? Well fundamental thinking would say I have to do about ten million crunches and some leg lifts then I will have ripped abs. This is partially true. You have to train your abs to tone them up. But the ugly truth that all the workout videos and 10 minute this and that don't want to tell you is here. No matter what you do to exercise your abs and no matter how strong the muscles themselves get you have to loose fat in order to see them. So you need to get lean in order to see all that work you put in. For more information on that check out my article on doing cardio in the morning before breakfast. I will close with one more thing. You use your core muscles(abs) for a lot of support in other exercises. Although I am not a big fan of preaching the "over training" thing I believe this is possible with your abs due to their support role. With that being said they can take a lot due to the fact that they are involved in many movements. I train my abs three days a week. That is more than enough to get the desired result. Train hard be safe.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
Start, Finish and Fail? !!!
The more and more i talk to people the more and more i see flaws in their logic. Most people have this idea that I want to start here and end up over here. Trust me I understand being goal oriented I have been my entire life. But here is the main fatal flaw with this type of logic. If you put all of your energy into one simple goal then once this goal is achieved then what? This hold especially true when it comes to training. You should always seek improvement and advancement. Don't trick yourself and short change yourself by stopping at some near sighted goal. You should merely use your goals as steps to climb up the ladder of life. Don't fall into the trap of settling for small goals. Use the small goals to achieve great things.
Friday, February 8, 2013
Arizona State Natural & Tucson Muscle Classic !!
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Utterback Middle School
3233 S. Pinal Vista
Tucson, AZ 85713
Contest Info
Special Info
Mixed Pairs
Physically Challenged
Ms. Fitness
Ms Physique
Ms. Figure
Classic Figure
Bikini Divas
Model Search
Kids and Teen Fitness
Contest includes all classes
Entry forms must be recieved two weeks prior to the competition date!
Host Hotel
Comfort Suites
515 W Auto Mall Drive
Tucson, AZ 85705
Special Rates Mention
Bodybuilding Championships
5 Years Drug Free
Qualifer for Ms. Fitness USA
Pro Qualifier
Registration & Testing: 9am
Prejudging: 1pm
Main show: 5pm
Ticket prices:
Pre judging: $15
Main show: $25, $35
Vip package: $45 (prejudging and a main show ticket first eight rows)
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Natural training vs Steroids?
This thought will cross almost any athlete who is serious about their training. It is a very serous question to ask yourself. Should I use steroids or not? Well my answer to this question is simple. I would say no. Let me explain why. Most people who use steroids to enhance their gains are doing so because they are not doing so many other things right. I had a friend in high school who was jealous and envious of my maximum bench press. So he decided to use steroids to catch up. About two months later he did gain a little size and got stronger but he was still not following my advice on diet and recovery. He wound up in the hospital at 18 years old with a swollen prostate and the doctor telling him he must be trying to kill himself. And guess what? He still did not reach my maximum bench press at the time. When you approach training you have to look at it from two angles your genetics and your environment. My friend who I mentioned earlier did not have very good genetics. So he attempted a short cut with his environment by using steroids. He was playing Russian roulette with his health and lost. The bottom line is that your environmental surroundings will never defeat hard work and preparation. Taking these designer hormones is like filling a tire with a whole in it. Yeah you may gain several pounds of muscle. But where is the quality at? Plus if you attain it on your own you will maintain it and it wont disappear when you stop using the "drug". So the long and short of it is natural training is the only way to go. Work smart and train hard.
Sunday, February 3, 2013
Super bowl results?? What about your results!!??
I know that there will be a ton of people looking for the results of the super bowl. I think that this is truly ironic that most of these people are so motivated to be a fan. There is nothing wrong with being a fan but I have a good question for you. Why not motivate yourself into better condition and training/ eating habits with the training news as your guide. It is really easy. All you have to do is sign up for the mailing list and follow us on Google plus. Then BAM instant motivation and tips sent to you almost every day. That is not even considering if you search the blog for workouts or supplements plenty of free tested good info here for you to use people. So make it your super bowl resolution to be a super new you.
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