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Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Keep the faith!! Strong spirit, Strong mind, Strong body!!!
One of the things I haven't touched on in a while is the importance of what I call whole conditioning. In order to continue on towards your goals you have to keep a positive outlook. But beyond even that you have to also condition your mind and spirit. It seems the more and more I go on in life and the more and more I see people broken and defeated by life's trivial things. Heaven forbid you try to talk with them about it because then you will awaken their inner crybaby. This is the opposite of what I am talking about. This is proof that the person has been coddled their entire life and everyone has provided that shoulder to cry on. DO NOT FALL INTO THIS TRAP!!! the second you tell yourself that it is ok to feel this way you are allowing yourself to become weak in spirit and mind. Then it will be alright when you slack or fail at everything else without trying because you are only human. Right? WRONG!! Do not drink the Jim Jones!! I am going to give you the antidote now. Instead of conditioning yourself for weakness do the opposite. Condition for strength in all parts of your being. A good place to start is to stand up for what you believe and feel and say no. Not only to yourself but to others who you disagree with. In fact I challenge you to stand up for yourself. The next time someone tries to change your mind about something or you try to talk yourself out of doing something that will enrich your life say HELL NO!!! And go for it with everything you've got. Keep up this conditioning and you will get used to being strong instead of weak you will truly begin to live. One of the best ways to express this is through physical training. If you are so burned out and tired from sitting at your desk all day and want to go home and sit in front of your tv until you pass out on you sofa or maybe sit at your favorite bar until you pass out or...Wait on damn minute... That is right tell these bad habits to go to hell were they belong and punish your body for feeling that way in the gym. Trust me you will thank yourself for it later. Ever wonder why overweight, lazy people make such little things such a big deal? Their entire life is petty and miserable due to bad habits just like I mentioned. That's why. They are one stress filled burger inspired rage away from their personal apocalypse. It's time to be strong and take your life by the reins and go. Remember you only get one to live. this is no video game.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Manpower/Testosterone naturally!!!
Everywhere I look I keep seeing people going to their doctor to get more testosterone. Being a drug free athlete this is really a shame. You do not need drugs to excel at sports. In fact if you resort to using drugs to increase performance you are doing nothing more than cheating. I believe in this so much that I even promote my own natural bodybuilding show every year. Just look up hanoman2000 on you tube you can see plenty of videos there featuring natural athletes. Anyway my point to all of this is simple stop with all the doping. Our country is becoming more and more full of people addicted to some substance. And yes your body will become physically dependent on the synthetic testosterone and stop producing its own. If you don't believe me look at the pain pill epidemic or what happened to Lance Armstrong. We should all try to make it our personal mission to not make steroids the next epidemic to sweep our country. Other wise we will have to change it from land of the free and home of the brave to land of the addicted and home of the cheaters!! I have attached and article from yahoo health outlining five simple ways to help increase testosterone naturally. If you want to learn more you can research Z.M.A on my blog it has some good info as well. Train smart be safe.
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Manpower | Yahoo! Health
5 Easy Ways To Increase Your Manpower | Yahoo! Health
Thursday, January 24, 2013
HURRY UP AND DIE!!??How about hurry up and train!!!
Has it come to a point were people are so lazy and ignorant that they have to just lay around and die of inactivity and laziness? I was looking at the news and apparently one of the political figures of Japan wants all the old people of his country to "hurry up and die" if they are sick. How about this mister politician. How about you take some of those resources and use them to influence these "old sick people" to not be so old and sick. As they say an once of prevention is worth a pound of cure!! So instead of treating your hospitals like human dog pounds you can make your people have a good quality of life. As most of us who train understand a lot of these so called wasting diseases are caused by poor diet and lack of good exercise. So make incentives to keep people exercising after retirement so they just don't wast away and become a "liability" on society. There are plenty of people that are not old by the way that meet this "liability" status as well. So why stop at the old and sick? How about the obese and out of shape?
My point is simple to people everywhere just wake up and smell that rich robust coffee. Stop being so apathetic, lazy and inactive. If you are retired you are not retired from life. Get out and exercise and train. Make these politicians that are baking in their own greed eat there words. Then they will be the ones that are sitting around wasting away from stressing over trivial nonsense in their corrupt heads. Then we can put them down and move forward to a better tomorrow. I guess in closing everybody's physical health and fitness is their own responsibility. If you want to get so out of control that it takes a team of doctors and the government financing to keep you alive what do you expect? So stop buying all these fancy toys and wiping your fancy car with a diaper and get in the gym. Because health and fitness is more precious than any thing else. If you are too sick to enjoy the toys what do they mean anyway. Keep tuned in and use this blog as the tool created it to be.
Be a Gym warrior !!
One thing I keep seeing more and more of are all these people looking for an easy way to attain some sort of goal in the gym. You don't need an easy way it takes hard work that is the secret you are looking for. If you do not know were to start search my blog you will find everything you need to start a good workout program. If you need any other advice feel free to ask me. Shoot me a comment if you need some advice. If you are looking for an easy way to attain some hard goal. Look else where I will not lie to you and tell you that there is some easy secret way to meet your fitness goals. To those people who want to live in la la land and keep drinking their cool aid fantasizing that there is some secret way to cheat and not work hard. Here is what I have to say to you. There is no easy way. To train and be dedicated to a goal is to be committed. If you want something easy and comfortable just stay on the sofa and keep watching that TV! That is easy and see where that will get you. You have to attack it like a warrior. That is the only way you will succeed in the end. So keep fighting, keep pushing it and keep training!!!
Friday, January 18, 2013
Live don't just be alive!!!
Many times I sit here after a hard days work and type things and info on how to lose fat. Or which exercise works best for you for a certain effect. One thing I usually don't cover very often at all is your outlook. In order to maximize your potential when you are training for a certain goal you have to have intensity there. The only thing that will actually remind you that you are alive and not just living or existing is your passion and drive for what you like to do. So why am I talking about this now? Well I have a lot of people tell me every day that they cannot stay focused or continue with there training. Right behind that comes a googleplex of excuses. I have news for all my fellow people who are used to doing this. There is never any excuse that is good enough. The true answer is that deep down these people are just happy existing and ready to drink there cool aid. So I challenge you to dig inside yourself and keep up the fight to be one of the elite and in shape. Avoid the snares of simply existing and take it to the next level. Get passionate and stay that way. LIVE DON'T SETTLE FOR JUST BEING ALIVE!!! Keep tuned in and tell your friends to stay informed and motivated.
Break the "Triple S" fat building cycle!!!
There are a ton of people who are stuck in nasty bad cycles these days. Some people are stuck in cycles of addiction and some in cycles of bad behavior. There are more excuses for people to use them as to why these individuals are stuck in these cycles. I am not here to make any excuses for people just to hopefully open your eyes to a big cycle I have noticed that is growing over the years. I have come to call it the "triple S cycle". What that stands for is sit, sit and sleep. Too many people these days are stuck doing just that day after day. Think about it they go to work sit at a computer. They go home and sit in front of the t.v. What comes next? Well bed time of course because I have worked so hard all day!!! Does technology have a lot to do with starting this bad cycle for peoples fitness everywhere? Probably a bit. But there is a larger problem people forget about there activity level and just slip into this endless cycle of lazy oblivion. It is not so much about eating carbs and not eating carbs that is just the icing on the cake. It is more about what have you done today? So break the "triple s" cycle and start to increase your activity level tomorrow. Search my blog for some good cardio suggestions. Tell your friends so they don;t get stuck either. :)
Monday, January 14, 2013
Hold yourself accountable stick to your guns and reap the rewards!!!
There is a disturbing trend for people that I see more and more of and that is that people are not holding themselves accountable. There are always going to be some percentage of people that don't hold themselves accountable but it is bad when that percentage is so high. This starts with yourself and your body. If you can not even be responsible with your self than you cannot be responsible with anyone else either. Putting things on the back burner and not accepting responsibility for them is a recipe for disaster and there a lot of people cooking today if you know what I mean. So I encourage you to stick to your guns and stay the course. Do not give in to laziness and foolishness treat your body as it should be treated and put some effort into actions it will pay off in the long run.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
These are some more super foods that I have come up with over the years. Check them out and hopefully you can include them into your personal regiment. Here they are:
Tea (green or black),
This list of super food have countless benefit to your training and nutrition regiment. I strongly suggest that you give them a try. Tell you friends about us. So they can get the same info.
Saturday, January 12, 2013
Eating super foods can be very important to success when it comes to training. You cannot expect to run a formula one race car on standard unleaded gasoline so why do you expect your body to be different. You have to feed the machine to make it run well. Many of the "super foods" are not super expensive for the benefits you receive from them. The following is a list of my top five:
Perhaps most commonly eaten wrapped around a sushi roll, nori is loaded with iodine, a mineral essential for proper thyroid function. While iodized salt was introduced in 1924 to prevent goiter, the increased emphasis on low-sodium diets and the popularity of sea salt, which often doesn't contain iodine, have recently resurfaced concerns about getting enough iodine. This trace mineral isn't the only benefit of sea vegetables. Nori contains high levels of vitamin K and iron, micro nutrients essential for proper cellular function. Look for nori pieces in the international section of your supermarket and crumble them on top of chili, soups, and salads.
Considering cabbage is low-carb, high-fiber, and contains cancer-fighting 3-indole carbinol and d-glucarate, a compound that works to clear excess estrogen, the veggie is already a superfood. Fermenting it into sauerkraut, however, puts it on nutritional steroids. The probiotics that drive fermentation also help repopulate your digestive system with healthy, hardworking good bacteria that lower inflammation, improve digestion, and maybe even aid in weight loss. Plus fermentation increases the bioavailablity of the antioxidants found in cabbage, and the longer cabbage ferments, the higher the levels of antioxidants become, meaning your body can better absorb and use them.
3.Hemp Seeds
No, these will not make you high. While hemp and marijuana are kissing cousins, the amount of THC in hemp is almost nonexistent. In 2004, the DEA's ban on hemp seeds and oil due to their trace THC content was overruled, and hemp is not considered a drug. The seeds are powerful, however, as two tablespoons contains 400 milligrams of anti-inflammatory gamma-linolenic acid and 2 grams of omega-3 fats, plus all nine essential amino acids, compounds that help maximize recovery from workouts.
4.Shirataki Noodles
Pasta lovers, it's time to throw an Italian feast: Now you can enjoy your noodles for 20 calories and 5 carbs (and some brands have even less of both!) per serving. Shirataki noodles are made from the konjac plant, the same plant that we get the fiber and satiety supplement glucomannan from-read: They keep you full. Shirataki don't have much flavor and come in every shape from angel to fettuccine to penne and more, so you can use them in any pasta recipe. Just take them out of the bag, rinse thoroughly, and heat, and they're ready to toss into stroganoff, primavera, or whatever you're craving.
After a study showed that beets can improve performance and reduce the amount of oxygen needed to complete a cardio session, the sports and fitness community has been raving about the root veggie and its juice. Beets contain nitrates, which are used in the production of nitric oxide, a compound that makes blood vessels dilate, allowing more blood and oxygen to flow to your working muscles. Enjoy them raw, cooked, or juiced.
Good luck and happy training. Do not forget to subscribe to the blog for more good info.
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Hyper sensitivity and lazyness trap !!!
I believe a lot of people these days are becoming more and more hyper sensitive to little things that one would normally dismiss as "no big deal". So the question begs itself then. Why are they so sensitive? I think our lazy lifestyle has a lot to do with this problem. People who don't exercise will seemingly just go to work and go home. Well most people work in front of a computer and then go home and get in front of the TV. Whether they will say so or not this lifestyle is bound to give you a "cabin fever" type mindset. Have you ever just wanted to get out and away to do something for no reason? There is a reason and I just explained it. So now that we have established that your body is uncomfortable being cooped up, what do you think will come next? Of course you will be grumpy and sensitive to every little stupid thing that life throws your way. Why? Because your body is miserable being cooped up inside all day. So what do you do? It is a lot easier than going to some sort of doctor or something along those lines. Simply implement some sort of exercise into your lifestyle and watch how much better you will feel. For more good tid bits keep on following us and subscribe to our blog.
Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Diet soda linked to depression!!!
I have posted yet another good link proving the dangers of these crazy food preservatives and artificial sweeteners. They have now linked them to depression. When are people going to say enough is enough and stop putting these bad chemicals in there bodies. I know I would rather taste something that is confusing my body and telling it that I am drinking something sweet and then be depressed about it later. It will all be worth it. Another thing that is not told to people is that your body still releases insulin when you consume most of these no calorie sweeteners. So yes they do not have any caloric value but the impact of the insulin is still the same according to many studies.
Diet Soda Linked to Depression | Yahoo! Health
Diet Soda Linked to Depression | Yahoo! Health
Monday, January 7, 2013
Gagnam Style cardio or any other to keep you from getting bored!!!
I was just introduced to this new type of dancing style called gagnam style. It is some new sort of dance craze that has come out of Korea. The video is funny and there are all kinds of stories about the dance. My point in bringing this up is that if you like to do this dance or any other dance you should do what you like. As long as you are being active and exercising it doesn't matter what style it is. Although I would recommend to add in some sort of resistance training and a good healthy eating plan with whatever cardio thing you should choose. If you need help deciding on the other recommendations I have posted feel free to search my blog. There is plenty of info here for you to use.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Prep NOW!!! Dangers of food perservatives!!!
There are a lot of food preservatives out there and not all of them are extremely bad for you. A lot of the early ones were different kinds of salts and things like this. But if you actually look on the back of the label and see what you are putting in your bodies you will see a lot more than just salts. One that recently caught my attention is one called TBHQ. This is how it is presented on the label of you food packaging. So I did some research and found out something very interesting. TBHQ is an excellent preservative for many packaged processed foods. Why is it so good at preserving the food you may ask? Oh that's because it is chemically similar to butane. Yes I said butane as in lighter fluid. I suppose they could increase the shelf life even longer by adding benzine(Gasoline). It is totally alright though do not worry. The Federal people only allow them to use this as less than two percent of the total volume of the item. Wow that makes me feel better you wont just die right away that wouldn't be good for business. Instead you keep on eating I am sure your body knows what to do with butane anyway maybe you can be the next human torch or something.
Resolution help.. Look here.
If you need help with your news years resolution look here. Feel free to search my blog and you will find plenty of good down to earth answers to any and or all of your fitness questions. If you have a question and you need an answer feel free to send it to me and I will answer. Happy new year and god bless.
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